Friday 24 July 2009

Week off

I've been abit under the weather, most likely due to celebrating for 3 straight days for my friends 21st. I'm tired. so i've had a week off. just chilled. caught up on my soaps.

Weeds is a show thats been running for a while but i never got into it. I'm up to date i've watched 4 seasons in 2 weeks. that shows addictive.

I've also lost 2 hats over this week :(
and spent too much money on some limited edition johnny cupcakes screen prints.

Deacon who i met when he drove up with Johnny Cupcakes for the lecture was in Boston for the Goonies showing and he brought me back this tee...

I've spent soooooooo much money but oh well i guess this is living. ummmmm

Anyway with this week off i've missed out on been able to screen print. but i can still get my negatives prepared and screen print when back in september. I've got a few stuff i'm working on illustration wise. and i wanted to screen print alot of it. we'll see what it looks like digitally first.

I did enter my t-shirt competition for swishswosh. i went out and tooka photo of a homeless man holding a sign. i uploaded it but it aint been posted yet, which sucks

Stay tuned.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Jeff Koons

On July 2nd the latest Jeff Koons exhibition at Serpentine Gallery has opened its doors in London. The American artist presents an array of impressive works, in line for what he is best known for. Both sculptures and large scale paintings are represented in his new exhibition.

No doubt i'll be in LDN before the summer is out. Definately going to visit this.
Wooo. Maybe try and get him involved in a guest lecture at Uni. if i can find his agent or the man himself

Friday 10 July 2009

Summer Update 1

Its been a few weeks since we finished. I had a hectic, great few weeks off (seebelow) and for the last week i have been back at work doing competition briefs and some of my own shit. I've made plans for the whole summer and i'm gunna stick to them. Of course, there is plenty of time for partying aswell.

I started by doing a piece around 1 full year. and where i am at now with my design and production.

I'm going to change it abit. This is a rough quick mock up i did in illustrator. i'm going to have hands and stuff in there. and thick gloopy paint and a halftone of my face. wooo.

Stay Tuned. It will be out soon.

I was going to enter into the Design By Humans T-shirt competition with this. But i'm gunna just use it as a screen print instead. I have another idea for a tee that i'm going to enter into 3 competitions and each may get me paid.

Anyway i was working on this owl.
I'm into owls at the moment hence the owls on each forearm.

I then drew it up larger and added some text from Shakespeare. I thought it was fitting. "So wise so young, they say, do never live long."

I'm gunna do this as an edition of 10 gold prints and 10 silver prints. signed and numbered.

I also thought i'd dabble in a bit of type/logo work. As i was flicking through this competition page i found a t-shirt competition for swish who were also looking for a new logo.

The design had to be quirky, cool, creative, original.
I did this quickly. We'll see. Deadline 12th July.
  • £500 cash
  • £500 of SwishSwosh Credits
  • A permanent link on to their site
  • Recognition on affiliates
Time will tell. There is no gallery of submissions so i have no idea what the competition is like. We'll see.