Wednesday 20 January 2010


Finally got my website up and running with indexhibit now it goes down and i'm just pissed off

I Dress Myself - Visit

I went down to see Pete at I Dress Myself in Nottingham. It was a long journey but i got to have a wander round Nottingham which was interesting. The studio is pretty close to the train station so i had no problems finding it. I didn't take any photos my camera died so i lifted these off of their site.

Anyway i took down a couple of prints i'd been working on for self promo. I'll upload photos of them soon as possible. And i managed to land myself a weeks placement in April with them. Excited. I'm looking forward to seeing whats in store. Hopefully i won't be too much of a hindrance.


Saturday 16 January 2010

Piccolo Press

Piccolo Press kept cropping up on searches for Letter Press within the UK so i emailed them about business cards. Really nice chap called Tim emailed me and i'm in the process of sorting out an order.

Basic cost for 200 letterpress business cards - £110
Stay tuned

Blackbird Letterpress

in Louisiana.

Amazing letterpress company from the USA
I emailed them my business card to see how much it would be to have a run of 200 printed.
It was really expensive