Sunday 4 April 2010

I Dress Myself - Nottingham

I arrived in Nottingham today and i've settled in quite easily. The internet works perfectly and is surprisingly quick. I'm looking forward to starting work but tomorrow i have the chance to explore the city some more and will probably upload some pictures.

Also the food is brilliant!

My hotel is right in the centre and the flats opposite looked rather nice. Nottingham may have a bad rap due to gun crime and it was chav/Lad central but so far its a wonderful city.

My first day at I Dress Myself revolved around the production of promotional badges. I was told the record was around 150 an hour, which later in the week i actually broke. So go me. It was my first time in using a badge machine and i was surprised at how easy it was. I'm going to invest in my own over the summer period to produce more promotional material. I've also got an idea for a new promotional print i want to make. More details to follow.

This thing below was a conveyor belt heater to fix inks used on t-shirts. It would be so ideal having one of these at uni although it does move pretty slowly.

I had the first time opportunity of printing packaging. Its something i've not done before. It was hard lining the 2 colours up when the folds kept popping up.

My experience is Nottingham was surprisingly pleasant and i learnt a lot. I was impressed with the work i'd done over the week and if i can be that productive at uni then i'd be on top form. I guess i'm just dragging my heels so to speak and have lost some of my enthusiasm for the course. I'm sure it'll come back soon enough.

I also acquired a list of contacts and suppliers whilst i was there and have started to appreciate the significance of recycling and producing eco-friendly work. 

Arboreta Papers
Continental Clothing
Bishopton Trading for Organic Tote Bags

I emailed Pete thanking him for the week and asked for a brief feedback statement so i can put it in the Year Book achievements section.