Sunday 27 December 2009

Indexhibit Websites

I want to produce a website using Indexhibit but i don't want it to be a basic shitty looking one with blue hyperlinks.
Loud and Clear have an interesting website simple and easily to navigate round.

This website worked across three columns and when you click the first column the second appears and so on.

This website navigated sideways and was really simple. Mostly in black and white including the photography. Small amount of red type.

Wasn't too keen on the scrolling navigation bar.

I liked the simple black and white layout. When you rollover the links it appears a strong vibrant green which stands out. I wanna keep my website simple like this

This website was easy to navigate around. I liked the side ways scrolling and the translucent menu buttons which means when you scroll can see the work still.

Simple drop down menu type.

Rollover for the menu buttons sticks to a simple colour palette.

Not a big fan of scrolling on websites. I think everything should be viewed easily. But flash is overly used i think. This website however had an interesting rollover on the buttons. When on a selected page the type was in a red box.

Simple roll over for the links. I like the type aswell. Not sure about the mixing of no reading across on some pages and then just down on others. I want to work out a really simple layout which results of no farsing about when trying to navigate

Like the type in this logo.

Cool colour layout and drop down menus.

I wouldn't want a generic navigation menu (default) but i digg the imagery and the logo. I think on the main intro page i should have a strong image like this.

The light blue overlay i think works really well and isn't too distracting to the strong black and white imagery on the home page.

The rollover works in a similar way albeit a bit darker black with blue type.

This guy's website works with black, white and grey.

Roll over works well. You probably wondering why do i keep going on about the rollovers. I don't want an overlay fancy website and with indexhibit i can create a simple website but with cool quirks.

This guys illustrations are amazing.

Blood is the new website from monkeyseemonkeydesign

Really simple static menu.

To navigate through the images of each brief is in grey which doesn't defer any of your attention away from the work/imagery

Really simple layout and navigation.

Simple layout. The colours of the imagery seem to work well with the menu colours.

I thought this was an interesting open page simply because of the background imagery. Strong stood out.

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