Monday 29 June 2009

La Boca

While i was in LDN; Scot from La Boca took the time to look over my portfolio. Another contact i've made.

I showed him snippets of my work.

He liked my ISTD briefs with the song lyrics. He said as a designer he doesnt get to do as much screen printing as he'd like and said he'd love to see these on t-shirts, providing i could get the fine text to print properly.

Another piece of advice was to explore as much as i can whilst at uni. Access to facilities and tutor time were key factors in continuing to explore. He said i'd have years to figure out my specialism. Plenty of time after uni.

My skype posters got some interest
Scot commented on not only my illustration and software skills but also my stong conceptual side.

Last but not least, he said i could continue to send him work and he'd be willing to give me feed back on it.

Alot of people seem to be quiet at the moment, so said he'd have to pass on work experience.

Monday 15 June 2009

So i've been busy trying to sort out work experience. I've emailed a few people and so far no success really. I need to follow up with some more emails.

First was La Boca on Portobello Road, LDN. These guys replied after about 2 weeks and offered me to come down and show them my portfolio, might aswell try and get it ready then over the last few weeks. Not long til i'm down in Capital City.

I also emailed YCN-Online about an internship. As they put you in with other designers in your desired field. Could be pretty interesting. Alas they had no spaces this time round.

I also emailed airside and just got an automated response email

Nearly done...

Print Liberation are obviously busy as that was an utter pointless replies ever and in no way constructive.

Lonely Punks these guys were super friendly. gunna work on them abit more see if i can travel down and hang out for a couple of days. Some awesome screen prints. Interesting colour palettes and themes.

K2 - I've been on the phone to Mark from K2 a few times. Just chasing up my email really. He says they are really busy at the moment, that he aint blowing me off and that he'll be back to me when he has a few minutes. I'm flagged and he just have to reply.

And last but not least.

I've organised for my idol to come and lecture at uni. Gunna finalise all the fine details tomorrow at uni and on wednesday i'm baking all day with Bunti, preparing loads of cupcakes. I hope everything goes to plan

Stay Tuned

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Evaluation Year Two

My portfolio consists of mainly vector based work and an emerging interest in screen printing; which is an area I have become much more focused and appreciative of over the last three months. Starting with my Hugo:Create submission posters, I used this as I feel it was the strongest and most refined of the work I produced over the course of the last module, and see it as an area of focus next year, along side exploring more screen printing techniques. The next piece of work is the YCN-Online collaborative brief. I put this in there to show that I not only can work solidly alone, but also can produce high quality work when in a partnership. With the collaborative brief work, it shows that I am not heading down just an illustrative route; as within the brief we explored type and layout and also produced some brochure spreads. I feel this is where I learnt the most about my design practice. I learnt where my practice was lagging and where my strengths are; not only that but also how I should go about improving. Working with a stronger designer definitely got my head fixed on straight.

My first year work makes one appearance in the form of the Mail Shot we had to produce. Although this is probably one of the weaker pieces in my portfolio as a whole, it shows an illustrative and typographic style that I continue to use and explore in regards to later briefs. As I said, my portfolio consists of mostly vector-based work. This is where my strengths lie and I am also confident with my use of colour. I feel at times that my portfolio is a bit narrow and focuses too heavily on illustration and vector work, but as a specialism this is where I want to work.

The screen prints within my portfolio are all personal works, and not directed at any particular live or assigned briefs. Screen Printing is a method of design, which I have come to appreciate more and more over the last three months and will continue to use. I want to incorporate screen printing into my wider practice and aim it at assigned and live briefs; if appropriate. For work experience I am looking at working within screen printing and have applied at K2. I am still to get any feedback, but I have spoke to Mark; the creative director. We’ll see. I’m looking forward to the summer and continuing my hard work over that period.

Next year, for my dissertation I am working with the title ‘The Death of Originality’ focusing on wide spread art and design plagiarism. I will be looking into the case of Associated Press vs. Shepard Fiarey and the work of Roy Lichtenstein.