Monday 15 June 2009

So i've been busy trying to sort out work experience. I've emailed a few people and so far no success really. I need to follow up with some more emails.

First was La Boca on Portobello Road, LDN. These guys replied after about 2 weeks and offered me to come down and show them my portfolio, might aswell try and get it ready then over the last few weeks. Not long til i'm down in Capital City.

I also emailed YCN-Online about an internship. As they put you in with other designers in your desired field. Could be pretty interesting. Alas they had no spaces this time round.

I also emailed airside and just got an automated response email

Nearly done...

Print Liberation are obviously busy as that was an utter pointless replies ever and in no way constructive.

Lonely Punks these guys were super friendly. gunna work on them abit more see if i can travel down and hang out for a couple of days. Some awesome screen prints. Interesting colour palettes and themes.

K2 - I've been on the phone to Mark from K2 a few times. Just chasing up my email really. He says they are really busy at the moment, that he aint blowing me off and that he'll be back to me when he has a few minutes. I'm flagged and he just have to reply.

And last but not least.

I've organised for my idol to come and lecture at uni. Gunna finalise all the fine details tomorrow at uni and on wednesday i'm baking all day with Bunti, preparing loads of cupcakes. I hope everything goes to plan

Stay Tuned

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