Tuesday 25 August 2009

Bristol Bound

After a slight detour via Manchester and The Get Up Kids gig; myself and two friends set off to Bristol with a 3hour+ drive ahead we stocked up on sugar and energy drinks.
PIT STOP: Manchester Academy

We got into Bristol around 1.50am. A very long drive.

We were staying with my cousins girlfriend Rosy and she had an amazing house with a cool view.

WOLF <3>

Graffiti in Bristol is just insane.
Slick line work and interesting colours

Banksy exhibition was good. Kinda weird seeing his work in a gallery context. I think also that he has become predictable and mundane as his work seemed to have lost the wow factor it had before.

The queue was ridiculous first thing in the morning. 4hours long; so we went back later on before it shut at 7.30 and got in within the hour; which wasn't too bad.

some shocking work tho. Michael Jackson inviting Hansel and Gretel

Old Stencil collection. Pretty sick to see

remember when Slobs painted the Harry Potter train


this was a massive painting along one wall. was huge. house of commons filled with monkeys.

so detailed and precise. I think Banksy may have gone abit Hirst or Warhol on us and just have an idea and commission it to someone else.

Speaking of Damien Hirst


Old Tweety

5am Start Back


All in all a productive but expensive road trip.
Gunna get back to work next week and crack on. Sending more emails, Dissertation Notes and creating different images i've been working on. Another month to get it all done

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