Friday 25 September 2009

Week 1: Business Cards

I thought it was kinda quiet and slow paced this week until Friday when we got the mother of all work loads dumped on us. I'm busy all weekend so i gotta get cracking.
For tuesday i need a business card/promo material/ and examples of my work presented in a suitable and appropriate way.

My domain is
so i'm working with type and symbols as apposed to a detailed image.

I came across some interesting business cards and mail shots.

Different mediums use can focus peoples attention. Works well with the concept of weight watching/excercise. Excess Fat Rubber Tighten Up. Get it.

This card is for a second hand shop. Tongue in Cheek can hold peoples attention, if they take the time to reading it. Gotta hope for the best.

Acupuncture. Playful. More elegant than the second hand shop. Relates to the profession. Strong concept.

Divorce/Separation. Info on both sides of the card. Strong concept. Sticks in your mind. Not too eye catching but i'd definately keep it in my pocket.

Don't wanna separate. Try marriage councelling. Great idea. Took a while for it to sink in there was selotape there.

Gardener. Not just a business card but a packet of seeds. Double use. So perhaps my business card could be used for something else also. But what?

The local greek restaurant near me does the smashing plates thing near to closing. I don't know what the meaning or tradition is behind this but it stook in my mind. I wouldn't want to carry round a piece of plate tho personally. Strong concept but i suppose a light weight substitute would be better so as to not deter the customer/client.


Not a traditionally shaped business card. With the new die cutter at university this could be very interesting.

Rinse implies stealing/washing/ drains/ water

Get It. Good

Don't need to fork out loads of money on die cutting. Can just have a small section cut. I think with my business cards i want to keep cost as low as possible, since i don't have much money. But there is always that old adage of you have to spend money to make money.

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